What People Say
“Attending sessions with knowledgeable speakers such as David Bissonette is one way for each of us to stay on top of the important issues faced each day. His enthusiasm, knowledge, and professional manner made the session enjoyable to attend.”
—Ronald J. Dunn, Chief of Hazardous Materials, Homeland Security Bureau NYS Office of Fire Prevention & Control
“The Clarence Central School District has been fortunate to work directly with David Bissonette on the creation of our school safety plans and emergency drills. David’s leadership and expertise have proven to be an invaluable resource to our school district. David has worked extensively with the faculty and staff on preparation and crisis-management strategies and, tabletop exercises and was the lead coordinator for a major active-shooter drill involving numerous emergency agencies. The Clarence School District has been proactive in our approach to crisis management, and Dave Bissonette has served as the leading expert facilitator in that process.”
—Geoffrey M. Hicks, EDD, Superintendent of Schools, Clarence Central School District
“David Bissonette not only is a sought-after resource within our organization (General Mills Inc.), but he’s a very active and passionate safety leader in our local community. I’ve had the opportunity to see him in action during training situations as well as crisis modes, and I’m always impressed by his knowledge, calming demeanor, and ability to deeply engage stakeholders. He embraces the opportunity to educate others on how to effectively navigate difficult situations, and this book is yet another example of him leveraging his expertise to make a difference.”
—Allen Brown, Plant Manager, General Mills (Buffalo, NY)
“It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to work with David Bissonette over the past several years. I have worked with David as a safety professional for over a decade, and I have called upon his safety knowledge and experience many times.
David has been a featured presenter for several of our safety events in the past. His technical knowledge of his subjects, along with his ability to relate and communicate to the audience, is key to his effectiveness. Dave’s technical acumen, easygoing demeanor, and pleasant presentation style engages everyone in the audience.
Technical knowledge of topics, vast relevant experience, effective speaking style, and respect for his audience are the attributes that describe David Bissonette and why I put him at the top of the list of speaking professionals.”
—Dale Lesinski, DiVal Safety Equipment, Inc.
“I was fortune to have Dave working for me when I faced my toughest challenge ever as the VP of operations for Perry’s Ice Cream. Dave was my safety and environmental manager. Dave led a team of engineers, contractors, and operators to address an odor issue from our wastewater pretreatment plant that had escalated to the attorney general’s office. The attorney general was threatening to shut us down if we didn’t eliminate the odors that were affecting the neighbors.
Under Dave’s leadership, we consulted, designed, built, and implemented a new operation that was up and running before the attorney general had an agreement for me to sign to correct the situation. When I tell people the story, I tell them that what we accomplished was nothing less than the effort put forth by the team that brought back Apollo 13! It was so unbelievable that the environmental engineer the attorney general sent in to accredit the new system said, ‘You guys need to write an article on this!’ Dave is simply the guy you want by your side when you’re dealt a bad hand of cards!”
—Brian Perry, Vice President of Operations, Perry’s Ice Cream (Akron, NY)
“Dave is a safety professional with an impressive depth of knowledge and experience. Dave has excellent public-speaking skills and does a great job facilitating individual and organizational problem solving.”
—Tim Talley, Security Consultant, Secure Environment Solutions, LLC; Commander (retired), NY State Police
“I initially met with Town of Clarence Emergency Coordinator Dave Bissonette at the site less than an hour after the crash, and our coordinated efforts were to manage the incident, but our primary concern for this recovery effort was to preserve the dignity and respect of the victims and their families. Every action that we took over the next month held that concern as our primary responsibility. Dave Bissonette is a team player. He controlled the initial media releases, providing accurate and necessary information to the public, and was completely capable of managing an incident of that magnitude. True leadership qualities are often realized during the worst situations imaginable—pressure under fire—and Dave’s leadership attributes became immediately apparent to everyone.”
—Chris Cummings, Major (retired), New York State Police
“Prepared, knowledgeable, decisive… On the night of February 12, 2009, David Bissonette, the Town of Clarence emergency manager, put these leadership skills to the test when Colgan Air Flight 3407 crashed waction and his involvement inithout warning in his quiet suburban community. As I arrived on the scene shortly after the crash, I witnessed Dave’s leader-ship skills in action and his involvement in the organization of the initial response to this tragic incident. He was instrumental in the coordination of the event’s ongoing emergency response, as well as assisting long term with helping the community as a whole heal from this tragedy.”
—Scott R. Patronik, Chief of Special Services, Erie County (NY) Sheriff’s Office
“I am proud to consider Dave Bissonette my friend and am privileged to have worked with him when I represented the Town of Clarence in elected capacities for a decade and Dave was the town’s disaster coordinator. In those ten years, Dave effectively managed the town’s disaster response through a hazardous-waste facility explosion in 2002, a weeklong incident as a result of the October Storm 2006, and the loss of loved ones as a result of Flight 3407 in 2009. Dave’s compassion, caring, and calm resolve helped set the tone—the bond of relationships strengthened as Dave would daily set forth the five items he wanted to accomplish to make sure the residents of Long Street could move back into their homes and dignity and respect would be shown to the loved ones and families of Flight 3407. Dave’s compassionate, selfless, and authentic leadership is a testament to a great person doing great work on behalf of others.”
—Scott. A Bylewski, ESQ., Town of Clarence Supervisor, 2009
“I have known Dave for nearly twenty years. He has an intrinsic magnetism about him that enhances his natural leadership ability. People are drawn to and look toward such leaders, whether they truly are on the right path or not; Dave is on the right path, as his is one based upon skill, patience, and a studied practiced nature.Crisis management comes second nature to Dave, and he is truly above all others, as he has dedicated years in perfecting his craft.Due to his abilities and personality, he is an in-demand, captivating, and extraordinary speaker. While I know him through a professional relationship, his passion for life has endeared him as a friend.”
—Rick Mancuso, Business Administrator, Clarence Central School District
“I’ve been to hundreds of scenes with first responders, and Dave is one of those chiefs who realizes that reporters also have a job to do. He knows that treating reporters with respect and giving us even what little information he can results in the media stepping back and allowing responders to do their job. Flight 3407 struck way too close to home for him, but he struck the perfect balance of professionally conveying information with a very human and compassionate approach. He knows that by talking with media, he controls the message, as opposed to fighting it and ultimately being disappointed with how it comes out in the news.”
—George Richert, News Reporter, WIVB TV

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